This year’s edition of the festival Vaison Danses was absolutely incredible: a star studded program with major choreographers. Being a major partner of the festival through Mei Line, we where granted privileged access to repetitions, pre-shows and most of all, the choreographers themselves…. A fabulous experience!
“Gloria” by Cie Jose Montalvo
Pure joy and energy… generosity as well as they shared the stage at the end of the show with the local talents from the circus school Badaboum

“Folia”, by choreographer Morad Merzouki
At the pre-show diner by the Roman basin, showing off my Mei Line outfit. Mourad Merzouki introducing his Choregraphy

“Folia”, by choreographer Morad Merzouki with an amazing group of dancers and live baroque music, just overwhelming beauty

A Carolyn Carlson evening
A Carolyn Carlson evening, the show was created specially for Festival Vaison Danses, which Carolyn has attended 7 times. Vaison-la-Romaine’s festival has in her words ” a special place in her heart” because of the “soulfulness of the antique theatre and the inspiration it brings”

After the show, a chance to meet Carolyn and offer her something to remember Vaison by, in the form of the locally grown lavender bagged in indigo dyed linen pouches, made in Mei Line

“La femme qui danse”, by Marie Claude Pietragalla
“La femme qui danse”, a solo show by Marie Claude Pietragalla, the immense danser-Choregrapher. Pure emotion by an inspiring, fierce woman, loved it! Hard to believe that one can actually danse to that level and talk at the same time.. she did it with a disarming ease

Answering questions and signing autographs after the show, in the “by the side of the stage Q&As”, with Pierre Francois Heuclin, the fantastic artistic director of the festival.

“La Pastorale” by choreographer Thierry Malandin
A beautiful mix of classic and modernity